Monday, February 22, 2010

End the Winter of Discontent.....

I continue this evening as I have for the last week. Watching the Olympics. I watch these people do what I will never do. Somehow, just because they are from my country, I can feel proud. It's weird. It also keeps me up too late at night. I'll be happy and sad when it's over. Can't wait to see how the men's hockey works out.....I just can't believe we could actually beat the Canucks in their own house. Doesn't seem fair.

The work continues, and we move closer to a signed-around agreement on the boat. Taking the kids in to get their passports tomorrow. We want to take a trip up to Vancouver for Spring Break to see Fifer. I know what it means for me--time to start cleaning! lol.

I don't have much to say tonite, just cleaning, working, getting things ready to go...same-old-same-old.

We haven't been able to get out and see people lately. I miss some folks...but on the other hand--we're well rested, catching up with things around here and finally getting over the dreaded flu.

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