Monday, January 18, 2010

Little Boxes.....

I'm finding that with this constant purging, looking into countless boxes full of my past/Vince's past/my children's past that I'm not waxing nostalgic. I'm a hitman, a killer--take no prisoners. If I am to obtain the freedom I desire, it HAS to go.
It's a team effort. Vince handles the LARGE objects (like tractors, cars, Implements of destruction) and I handle all the household crap--boxes of baby clothes, magazines and catalogs from the 1940's and 50's, toys, collectibles--lots and lots of collectibles. We have more Coca-Cola stuff than I have ever seen--WAY more than anyone should ever need. I even have a bird's nest collection...that's right, bird's nest collection (I'm going to put them on Craigslist for free--someone out there must collect them, too.) I went through my old real estate transaction boxes---burn, baby, burn. Why was I keeping all that crap? It's been enough years that there is no purpose to hanging onto it anymore. Digging into the past isn't a burden this time (I've tried going through these boxes before--it was near to skull-drudgery), it feels LIBERATING. Really letting go of these material possessions is a cleansing process. Re-learning something. Realizing the "things" don't mean a damn thing. As I pick through the bits of the old I see where I want to see us in a year, two years--lounging on some white, sandy beach in the hot sunshine--blue water and relaxation . All these things I don't need won't be burdening my mind because they won't be here waiting for me--they'll be gone. Free.

I'm here to tell you---me, a self-confessed packrat (yes, I'm a packrat just as much as Vince--I'm guilty of holding onto this crap, too...otherwise it would have been thrown away YEARS ago.) that the only thing all this "stuff" does for you is hold you down, unnecessarily burdening you. Stopping you from doing the things you want to do. I'll go further than that. I think even the house that we live in holds us back. Not that the idea of a boat doesn't hold you to a place here or there, it can. The idea that if we wanted to move it to San Francisco, or basically anywhere, we could. This palce, with it's beautiful acreage that beckons you to spend every waking hour making it even more's been our life for the past 15 years, and I don't rgret a minute of it. No regrets--just ready to move on to the next adventure.

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