Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Took a whole load to charity today....lots of crap no longer under my domain. Yay! Feels good, like a snake shedding itchy skin...The guy unloading it at Value Village looked mightily impressed. He was even more impressed when I told him I'd be back with MORE crap. I think that young man might end up with a box of Christmas crap. I told him it had come out of Susan Silver's Management office years ago--and that Soundgarden and maybe even Nirvana had seen the delightful X-mas swag contained in that box! Selling the dream. I just wanted the stuff back in the day because I used to like Christmas....years of repetitive "Christmas Show" antics have killed that joy for me.....Hell, I even think the Jehovah's Witnesses have it going on when they don't have to celebrate Christmas--and you know how I feel about those people. JW's have it right on with X-mas---but I just can't give up Halloween or Smurfs.

The purge continues....That stuff went away today, plus someone came and got an old dryer that we got from Craigslist (years ago) intending to use for this or that, but never got around to it. The lady who picked it up had no dryer, and couldn't afford another one. Makes me happy when our crap makes someone happy, or fullfills a need. Good stuff.....

We also got an e-mail back from the owner of a boat we are keen to look at. This boat is up in Canada. Most likely head up and see her the first weekend in February....that's the fun part--going and kicking the tires. Shopping for a boat is almost more fun than actually buying one (speaking from experience here).

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