Monday, May 10, 2010

Blog on...........

Haven't written in awhile. Crappy. I know. Just haven't felt witty--or particularly sociable. Yes, blogging is not tell the "Teabaggers", huh? Socialism is bad, m-kay? All the, not even close. I digress. Kind of how my brain has been functioning of late. Or not functioning. Think of clicking through a bunch of TV channels while sitting on the couch--that's me running from one thing to another. Channel surf between the home-improvement show and the big adventure reality bit. These days A.D.D is a blessing.
Kind of on "auto-pilot" getting things done and moving forward. I guess when we started this I didn't realize how huge of a life-change it really was. Silly, considering all the material possessions we have, thinking this would be an easy task. Call me an idiot, I thought it would go faster than it is. Selling things on Craiglist (and elsewhere) is a GIANT pain in the ass. People, if you didn't think we had an economic crisis, I'm here to tell you that yes in-dee-dee we do. We have some pretty cool shit. 1940's Coke machines, very collectible cars, extremely sought-after things....none of it really moves, even priced to sell. Even a couple of years ago this crap would have moved down the road rapidly. As it is, it is taking time. I'm not patient. I am forced to be. It will eventually go, I resign myself to that. In the meantime we work like dogs getting things gone and cleaned up. That is going very well. Disappearing giant trailers, old junk cars--GONE. It's still a daunting task. I accomplish it happily. That's the good stuff. I love it.
Aside from that, we are again heading to L.A. for the unforgettable debauchery that is the Playboy Mansion. It has to be the most fun you can have people watching (yes, it's even better than Burning Man--the people at the party aren't trying to be feats of nature, they simply ARE). I love the cause. It's for our brave men and women injured in Iraq and Afghanistan--they attend the party, too--and it's really all for them. I loved watching David Hasselhoff thanking them, each individually, for their service. Call him what you will, the man has class (what a man does on his own floor with alcohol and hamburgers is his damn business!). This year I'm not freaking out at all about going. I know what to expect, and I have no worries. Just expect to have a lot of fun. It helps that I'm probably in the best shape of my life, and I've worked damn hard for it. This year, the pictures most likely won't all make it to Facebook--I kicked it up a notch. My attire is tasteful, but there is less of it. Figure I'd better kick it up a notch while I still can! lol. Vince has the tux that makes him look like James Bond (with more staying power, lol, ask me about Sean Connery--I'll tell you the story!) It will be nice to just relax and enjoy the show.
We will be flying in on Friday morning, meeting with friends for lunch--then heading to a live taping of the Bill Maher show (HBO, Fridays), then out to dinner with old friends.
I'll blog about it all when I get back....

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