Thursday, April 8, 2010

Murphy's Law (or, "I'm going to kill Murphy if I ever find him")

Anything that can happen, will happen. That's the theory. Comes to pass all the time. I never need proof of it's existence.
Got a call day before yesterday that a (very large) barge hit Fifer late Saturday night. There have been some rough storms up there, and she's tied outside of some other boats. She's right in the River, so it's not a huge leap to think that something like this could happen. The damage is pretty extensive, but not too alarming. It hit the bow of Fife (good amount of damage there), and during the time they were trying to move her back into place they ripped out a cleat. Probably 5-10k worth of damage. It was the barge companies fault--they will pay for the repairs.
This leads me to the place I am right now. We're in a house I'm done with--ready to make the move. I feel that I've already made the emotional detachment, so the time I'm spending here (though I'm enjoying--the sense of accomplishment is amazing) is frustrating. Nothing leaves as fast as I want it to. I either make the arrangements to have it picked up and something happens that I can't have it leave. Usually this is due to Vince not being about 10 people. He can't do it all. I'm afraid I'm not very well versed on putting tires on tractor rims--perhaps we wouldn't be having this discussion if I could. Lol. There are also the folks who promise to come and get things, then stall out. Ads that need to be written. Never get that done, either--because I don't know what the hell they are, these items. I have to learn to take it easy. It will all get done. I'm trying to concentrate on the things that I CAN do, not the things I can't. If I don't do that, I'm going to drive Vince insane. I have one foot out the door, and one foot on Fifer. This particular dilemma won't be any better until I have BOTH feet on Fifer. In the meantime, so much more to do.
So I try not to freak out, thinking of all the things we have to do to be ready to sell the house on the time-line we have made. I know that things have to be done in order--make things disappear, then work on the house to have it ready to sell. I try and enjoy the ride, while Murphy's Law ensues.

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