Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cruising Forward.....

Great. it's been so long since I blogged, I forgot my password. I'll only say in my defense that I've been busier getting everything done around here on the farm to concentrate at all. That, and the whole idea of our new boat, "Fifer" has been eating away at me. I just wasn't sure we were prepared to take on a project like her. I say that not because we don't have the skills, know-how and ultimately, money to do the job....it's that this isn't just a huge project. It's our new home.
I've been quiet about letting all of you in on just how much of a project she is. Partly because the idea of it was daunting to me as well--and for those of you who truly know us, well, you know how over-our-heads we've been most likely as long as you've known us. (Hell, we've been over-our-heads as long as I'VE known us...lol) This boat felt like more of the same. That is, until this last weekend past.
We have been going back and forth with Sandy, the man who owned the boat, for weeks. Fleshing out details and expectations. Translating that into legalese...not as easy as it sounds. There are all kinds of issues swirling around this boat. None of which she caused. The man who owned the boat for more than 10 years is devoted to Fifer. He loves her. He lived on her and enjoyed cruising her around Canada. I don't doubt his affection or devotion to her, I only walk about this once proud and regal vessel and wonder how someone could be so overwhelmed and keep going down the same path. I think Sandy managed rather well until "the incident"--the point years ago where he ran Fifer into some rocks and tore the bottom of her out. The damage was extensive, and yes, she was partially submerged for a time until they were able to temporarily repair the gaping holes and tow her to safe harbor. It was at this point that the fortunes of Fifer took a turn for the worse. It wasn't because Sandy didn't throw an adequate amount of money at her--he spent $300,000 to repair the damage. It was done well, for the most part. The work that was done is a testament to how much Sandy loved the boat. He was only given $150,000 for the insurance settlement. Since that time, Sandy has become more and more overwhelmed trying to get on top of all the things that needed to be done to put Fifer back together. The interior has been gutted (all the fixtures and wiring have been removed). Many of the pieces are still intact--the main bits are all there. There will be extensive work done to restore the cabinets. We are thinking since things are torn out, that we may move the galley from where it is (downstairs) up to the salon area. The salon is massive, and having the galley where you could look out large, bright windows seems much more condusive to a happy cook! The galley down below seems more dungeon-like....it fits with my feel for being a chef, but I'd rather not perpetuate that ideal of myself. I'd actually like to cook, given the right environment. The engines have been completely rebuilt and sit in a tire warehouse in Surrey. They weigh 3 tons each, and Vince is mad for them. They are original to the boat, and where made in England. They are quite impressive and even I have to admit that they are pretty cool.
In short, there's one hell of a lot of work to do. Until this weekend I felt that the task was going to be so big that I couldn't quite get into the spirit of it all--especially since we still have so much to do with the house. I had a shift this weekend. I actually looked at what needed to be done, and it doesn't seem to overwhelm me. We have a reasonable plan of action, and I feel good about it.
This hasn't been an easy thing to do, getting Fifer. We now own her--we signed papers and exchanged funds yesterday. Sandy is in the hospital, and we had to go to his bedside to do the paper shuffle. He is very ill, and we're not sure if his outcome will be favorable. It was time for him to pass Fifer on. She is so very worthy of saving. She has a rich Northwest history--even boasting a visit from the Queen. We are only now discovering some of these things, and everyone we come in contact with seems to have the same sort of affection for her, and are excited to see someone pick her up and run with her. We have so much to do, but I'm excited.
We are really moving forward on the house, too. I'll bring you up-to-date on those exciting bits the next time.....and pictures of Fifer. Scary "before" pictures......

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